A 4 Point Prayer That Will Set You & Others Apart from the Crowd at Work

There’s something that I hope sets Kingdom Way’s weekly “Tipping Points” posts apart from many others.

It’s this: each time you read one, you are a recipient of God’s work in your life.  How? Through the prayers that accompany them.  When a post gets published on KWM’s site, when it is scheduled to be sent, as it goes to your inbox on Wednesday mornings, I’m asking God to somehow use it mightily in your life at just the right time.

As I sought the Lord for what to write about to encourage and challenge you to live out your calling to follow Christ and lead with greater influence this week, I was stirred to simply pray a 4-point prayer inspired by one of the apostle Paul’s prayers recorded in Colossians 1:9-12.


“My God, I pray for _______ to understand more clearly the specific and unique calling that has been authored from the throne room of Your will.  I ask that the unveiling of this would come through the already clear communications from Your Word, through other godly people and through a wisdom that is not derived from human ingenuity, but from You.”


“I thank you that you have created ________ to not only have a daily sense of purpose, which provides meaning and satisfaction, but also to be productive in every good work.  Please grant _______ a greater fruit bearing capacity for Your glory, and for the broader good of others.”


“When you graciously grant us clearer purpose and greater productivity in our fruit bearing, we can easily grow weary and weak from the added weight that our limbs bear.  This calls for reinforcement power.  So, Father, please let the limbs of _______ be bolstered by a supernatural power.  The same power that raised Jesus from the dead.”


“Let the fact that You have qualified _________to be a person of great purpose, functioning with overflowing productivity, and a daily dose of resurrection power, give him/her great encouragement to continue advancing the kingdom ball up the field with great perseverance and joy.”

Share how this prayer may have encouraged or challenged you today!  I, and others, would love to hear your thoughts!