Signature Topics

Builiding High Performance Teams

The Ferrari Factor:

Discover the 5 dynamic principles critical to building high performing teams which are critical to an organization’s success: culture of trust, embracing opposition as an opportunity, accountability, commitment, and high objectives & outcomes

Commandeering Conflict  For Good

Learn how to “Robocop” conflict through understanding the 4 P’s of commandeering conflict for good: producers, preventers, perceptions and practices. 

Stress Fractures

6 critical practices to mitigate leadership stress in order to reach optimum performance personally and professionally.

MVP Leadership

Discovering the vital importance and differences of organizational mission, vision, values & purpose and how they make a difference in daily productivity, team building, and bottom line results.

The Trust Commodity

Discover how to build, trade, and take responsibility for the one thing that determines the success of every business, ministry, and personal endeavor: trust. 

The Personality Portal

Discover how to leverage the power of behavioral differences to transport teams to new heights or enjoyment, engagement & productivity (Includes personality assessment). 

Other Customizable Topics

-Drive by Delegations
-Discovering your Divine Design & Calling
-Resolving Conflict with Style

What people say?

“The KWM Workshops helped our leadership team better understand each other and the strengths and weakness of our collective team. Dan Anderson did a great job of tailoring the training to our needs. We utilized a series of tools to discover personal strengths, conflict styles, and then focused on how to use that knowledge to build trust and a stronger team. I highly recommend KWM for any leader who wants to help their team grow to a new level.”
Lisa Melby
Executive Director, Good Samaritan Society-Loveland Village
We really appreciated Dan’s sincerity and intentionality in planning his “Team Building” workshop for our staff, to tailor it to our organization’s strengths, needs, and mission. I was impressed with his engagement of our staff, and his ability to make it relevant to our organization and to the individuals in attendance. I highly recommend Dan Anderson for a leadership and team development workshop for an organization.
Ian Stout
Executive Director of Loveland Classical Schools
Pastor Ramdath Rampaul, It is said that “the message lasts but an hour but the man lives on.” Dan Anderson definitely lives on in all our hearts here in Trinidad & Tobago. What a privilege to know this dynamic yet humble man of God. Indeed the leadership of City of God Ministries has grown as a result of his life and teachings. Dan not only developed many leaders through his workshops here, but he also devoted much time to help our ministry / team sort out many difficult situations we were facing. I cannot sufficiently express the value of Dan’s ministry to us here in Trinidad & Tobago. ~ Ramdath Rampaul, Pastor of City of God Ministries, Trinidad & Tobago
Ramdath Rampaul
Pastor of City of God Ministries, Trinidad & Tobago​
" It was such a privilege to have Dan Anderson in Puerto Rico for the first equipping and outreach conference we conducted for business leaders at El Sendero de la Cruz Christian Church. The presentations Dan shared were a huge challenge and great blessing for me personally and for the 300+ leaders who attended.”
Nilda Perez
Organizational Development Consultant, Puerto Rico

It is our mission to see every business explode with the power of Jesus which empowers, equips and transforms people to reach this generation for Christ.



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Kingdom Way is a Colorado Leadership Training ministry that equips entrepreneurs,  business owners, CEO’s, solopreneurs and emerging leaders to love, live and lead like Jesus.

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