
Take a look at how Kingdom Way Ministries is transforming the lives of leaders in marketplace and church!

What People Say?

We really appreciated Dan's sincerity and intentionality in planning his "Team Building" workshop for our staff, to tailor it to our organization's strengths, needs, and mission. I was impressed with his engagement of our staff, and his ability to make it relevant to our organization and to the individuals in attendance. I highly recommend Dan Anderson for a leadership and team development workshop for an organization.
Ian Stout
Principal, Loveland Classical Schools, Loveland, CO
What you shared was what our team needed to hear at this moment…you hit it head on… love always trusts.” (1 Cor. 13) 
Fried Pitzl
Executive Director, Good Samaritan Society, CO
“As a Realtor, my business impacts every part of my life. I’d like to say I made time for God on a daily basis before KLC, but my priorities were business, family, and God, when I had time… KLC gave me steps and goals to integrate God into my business…Now my business and faith are in alignment. Everyone knows Jesus is my Savior and I feel free to share my experiences with them.”  
Therese Bickford
Realtor and KLC (Kingdom Leadership Council) Group Member
“TGIM! (Thank God It’s Monday!) is something our church family is still saying every Monday since the SWITCH workshop you did several months ago… Thank you for being a vessel in God’s hands.”
Duane & Christian Smith
Pastor/Wife of First Baptist, Waukon, IA
 “By God’s grace I am now a born again Christian…I seek to honor my Father and build my business by His word. You have greatly helped me in making a decision about His business for the future.”
T-Shirt Designs Business Owner, connecting online through KWM website.
 “I had the wrong perspective about God…so I walked away from Him for 20 years….KWM has played a key role in bringing me back.” 
Gene Bollig
Careers with a Purpose Coach
About Us

Kingdom Way is a Colorado Leadership Training ministry that equips entrepreneurs,  business owners, CEO’s, solopreneurs and emerging leaders to love, live and lead like Jesus.

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