"We Help Marketplace Leaders Thrive in Life, Business & Ministry"
"I believe one of the next great moves of God is going to be through believers in the workplace." – Dr. Billy Graham
Kingdom Way's Vision is to be the premiere, most trusted, and "go to" marketplace ministry in
Northern Colorado (and many places beyond)
with a transformative environment ANY marketplace leader can plug into.
Kingdom Way exists to INCITE and OUTFIT marketplace leaders and Pastors
to THRIVE in life, business, and ministry.
To INCITE and OUTFIT marketplace leaders and Pastors to THRIVE
in life, business, and ministry to transform lives, work and church cultures, and communities around the world for the sake of God's fame!
Biblical Values That Fuel Our Passion
Chosen, called and sent to preach the gospel that frees. – Isaiah 61:1-4 Daring to be Daniels who creatively and contagiously seek to change cultural norms while not compromising our biblical convictions. – Daniel 1
Authoritatively believing and living the mandate to bring Christ’s teachings about life and leadership to the entire world. – Matthew 28:18-20
Embodying the high priority God assigns churches and companies to discover and deploy their divine design to reach those far from God and to help mature them and multiply their impact. – Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Timothy 4:14-16
Seized by our main purpose to make God famous by spreading His renown through all we think, say and do. – John 17:6,26; 1 Peter 4:10-11
Where there is no vision, the people perish. – Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)
Kingdom Way is a Colorado Leadership Training ministry that equips entrepreneurs, business owners, CEO’s, solopreneurs and emerging leaders to love, live and lead like Jesus.