“There are multiple ebbs and flows, twists and turns in everyone’s leadership journey. Especially when it comes to being a CHAMPION, go-to leader in the marketplace that God can trust to carry out His purposes. The challenges, complexities, and pressure of what it takes to be a kingdom leader can leave even the best of leaders weary, overwhelmed, and a little fuzzy about how to run their races well to the finish.”
Join Kingdom Way – A ministry initiative of FCCI – and 250+ marketplace leaders from throughout Northern Colorado and Denver to consider:
How you can identify and follow fully the ways of God for your leadership journey…
What practical ways you can personally “raise the bar” and set the pace for others you lead… AND…
Where God might be leading you to courageously take new ground to help change toxic currents of our culture…
Thursday, 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM, MT
Jubilee Fellowship Church, 9359 East Nichols Avenue Englewood, CO 80112
Hosted By:
Kingdom Way Ministries and FCCI in cooperation with area churches and businesses
~a Light Lunch is Included ~
PLEASE NOTE: You will be registering at a FCCI for this event – the button above will take you to the registration page.
Our Featured Guest/Speakers: Richard Blackably & Jimmy Page
Speaker: Richard Blackaby –Author/President of Blackaby Ministries International
Richard Blackaby is the oldest child of Henry and Marilyn, and the president of Blackaby Ministries International (www.blackaby.org) Richard has a Ph.D. in church history from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served as a senior pastor and as a seminary president. Richard travels extensively and speaks internationally on spiritual leadership, experiencing God, revival, and God in the marketplace. Richard regularly works with Christian CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. You can follow Richard on Twitter at @richardblackaby, Facebook at Dr.Richard Blackaby, or his podcast at The Richard Blackaby Leadership Podcast. Richard and his wife Lisa live in Atlanta. Their three children all serve in ministry. They also have eight grandchildren, 5 boys and 3 girls!
Richard has co-authored numerous books with his father, including: Experiencing God, Experiencing God: Day by Day, Fresh Encounter, Spiritual Leadership, Hearing God’s Voice, Called to Be God’s Leader: Lessons from the Life of Joshua, God in the Marketplace, Being Still with God, When God Speaks, and Flickering Lamps: Christ and His Church. Richard has also written: The Seasons of God, The Inspired Leader, Unlimiting God, Putting a Face on Grace, Living Out of the Overflow, Rebellious Parenting, Experiencing God at Home, Spiritual Leadership Coaching, and Developing a Powerful Praying Church.
Speaker: Jimmy Page – Founder and President of the Unstoppable Freedom Alliance, the Be Unstoppable life & leadership system, and The Joseph Project Network. He’s a health & wellness expert, Spartan athlete, author and podcaster
JIMMY PAGE is the Founder and President of the Unstoppable Freedom Alliance, the Be Unstoppable life & leadership system, and The Joseph Project Network. He’s a health & wellness expert, Spartan athlete, podcaster, and formerly an Executive with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Jimmy is the author of several books including One Word, True Competitor, WisdomWalks, Life Word, Called to Greatness, One Word for Kids, and more. He’s a frequent speaker for conferences, events, schools, sports teams, churches, and businesses in every industry including the NFL, NCAA, YMCA, Intel, Salvation Army, State Farm, and many more. Jimmy is a husband and proud father of four grown kids. He and his wife started a cancer foundation called Believe Big following her victory over cancer. His mission is to inspire you to live the unstoppable life – unleashing your best in every way.Visit his website at beunstoppable.live
~a Light Lunch is Included ~
PLEASE NOTE: You will be registering at a FCCI for this event – the button above will take you to the registration page.