The Fruitfulness and Fulfillment Found in Embracing the New!

Most business leaders, entrepreneurs, and church or non-profit leaders I know thrive on embracing the NEW!

This is definitely an internal wiring implanted in hearts by our Creator.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a NEW thing… I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” ~ Isa. 43:18-19

Blazing New Trails

I don’t consider myself a great pioneer who lives to pave new trails. I never would have imagined just 5 years ago that my life’s calling would include encouraging and equipping kingdom leaders in business, churches and devoted followers of Christ in their workplaces to courageously make their work and ministry one to transform lives for Christ.

Yet it is our Almighty Creator and Savior who crafts our assignments and equips us to fulfill them. Further, our fruitfulness and sense of fulfillment is tethered to our faithfulness to follow in obedience.

In the last year in particular, Kingdom Way Ministries simply endeavored to be faithful to embrace all the NEW God had in mind.

And thanks to many of you, whether a KWM Tipping Point reader from around the world, a ministry support partner, a prayer warrior, or a group / event participant, we were able to see God accomplish amazing things!

Below are some testimonies which capture a glimmer of that impact.

Stories of Impact

  • “What you shared was what our team needed to hear at this moment…you hit it head on… love always trusts.” (1 Cor. 13) ~ Fred Pitzl, Executive Director, Good Samaritan Society, CO
  • “TGIM! (Thank God It’s Monday!) is something our church family is still saying every Monday since the SWITCH workshop you did several months ago… Thank you for being a vessel in God’s hands.” ~ Duane & Christina Smith, Pastor/Wife of First Baptist, Waukon, IA
  • “As a Realtor, my business impacts every part of my life. I’d like to say I made time for God on a daily basis before KLC, but my priorities were business, family, and God, when I had time… KLC gave me steps and goals to integrate God into my business…Now my business and faith are in alignment. Everyone knows Jesus is my Savior and I feel free to share my experiences with them.” ~ Therese Bickford, Realtor and Kingdom Leadership Council Group Member
  • “By God’s grace I am now a born again Christian…I seek to honor my Father and build my business by His word. You have greatly helped me in making a decision about His business for the future.” ~ T-Shirt Designs Business Owner, connecting online through KWM website.
  • “I had the wrong perspective about God…so I walked away from Him for 20 years….KWM has played a key role in bringing me back.” ~ Gene Bollig, Careers with a Purpose Coach.

KWM 2017 Impact at a Glance

(Click Here) to see / download KWM’s full year-end report, including some NEW plans for an outreach event with CBMC and Tim Tebow, and a Pastors’ Conference for 400 Pastors and church leaders in Liberia, West Africa. 

I am truly amazed and grateful for what God has done, in spite of our limited budget and my limited time and ability as the sole staff member of KWM! I get excited when I start dreaming about what the ministry could look like with more staff and greater resources to fuel what God is doing.

If you have been blessed by receiving this blog (Tipping Points), participating in KWM in some way, or even just inspired and nudged by the Spirit as you read this report, would you prayerfully consider…

  1. Making a generous 1-time year-end gift (and/or)
  2. Linking arms with KWM to become a monthly support partner?

KWM is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts given to KWM are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Gifts desired to be used for these purposes for the 2017 tax year must be received by December 31, 2017. Automated email receipts are issued through this giving platform. (Click Here) for other creative giving options and for giving via check/mail.

No gift is too small. Whether you are able to give $25 or $2500, your gift and generosity will be greatly appreciated and stewarded well.

Please do not give beyond what you are able, or at the sacrifice of giving first to a local church you may be a part of. But, as Scripture says, give as God leads, with a cheerful heart” (2 Cor. 9:7), and “in proportion to the way the Lord God has blessed you” (Deut. 16:17).

Each generous gift will enable us to move one step closer to reaching our year end support goal of $20,000 – which will help us end 2017 on budget, and put us in an ideal position to prepare for all the NEW God has in store for 2018. (Click Here to Give)

Thanks for your partnership! I’m praying you and yours will have a joyous Christmas and that God will clearly direct and enable YOU to fulfill all the NEW (and old) assignments He has for you in 2018.

Seek to Make Him Famous!

President/CEO of Kingdom Way Ministries

Dan Anderson, President/CEO of KWM

Chuck Colson once said, “Christians are called to redeem entire cultures, not just individuals.” 

I hope you were challenged by this post and found a Tipping Point to help you be a culture changing agent for Christ in your family, business, church, and community. If so, we would love to hear from you!