God At Work in Ghana Through KLC Groups

Meet the first internationally certified KLC (Kingdom Leadership Council) group facilitators from Ghana, West Africa!

15 KLC Group Leaders Trained in Ghana

Pictured below is a group of outstanding individuals I had the privilege of spending two days with while in Ghana at the end of June.

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I was invited by Conrad Swartzentrueber and his team (see picture below) to train those interested in utilizing our KLC (Kingdom Leadership Council) Group materials to start and lead groups of their own Ghana. (See here more here about KLC Groups)

Fifteen from the above pictured (including Conrad and some of his staff) were certified and commissioned as the very first internationally trained KLC group facilitators for KWM and GTY Consult (our ministry affiliate in Ghana). What a thrill!

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Pictured from Left to Right: Conrad – Managing Director, Victor Darko – KWM Program Director, Araba – Administrative Assistant, Rene Essuman – KLC Trainer/Marketing Director, Evelyn Anyan – Accounts Officer / KWM Adm. Assistant, Leonard Dadzie – KLC Trainer, Irene Sappor – Accountant, Ronnie Phillips – Advisor and Evantel & Emaaus Road Bible Study Representative.


More thrilling than this historic event itself, was getting to know the caliber of people the Lord brought to be trained. Administrative Executives, Marketing Directors, and Bank/Corporate Trainers were all included in the mix and very excited to launch groups of their own. An amazing group of people!

One unique element for the trainers and members of KLC groups in Ghana is that each one is required to put money aside monthly (based on their income level) to invest in a savings plan.

The purpose of this masterful strategy designed by Conrad and his team is twofold:

  1. To help each member be able to sustain themselves and their families.
  2. To provide them a platform, over time, to save some of their earnings from their business / ministry endeavors in order to be able to qualify for extremely low interest loans that will be able to expand their businesses / ministries.

I believe God is preparing a deep and broad transforming work through these followers who will be influencing business leaders with the gospel and modeling Christ centered leadership practices all across Ghana and beyond.

(Please pray that God will multiply their efforts and send the people He wants to be a part of their groups as they get started).

Ministry Along the Way

God seemed to provide more “Divine Appointments” along the way than I can recall on any similar trip in the past.

One such appointment was while we (my son Seth and I and a few others) had a couple of hours to look around in the marketplace near Cape Coast.  I was having fun haggling with a young artist named Kwesi, from whom I ended up buying a couple small paintings as gifts for my family.

When he found out why I was in Ghana and a little about what Kingdom Way does, he set all of his paintings down and said, “Tell me more about how I can know Jesus better and follow His ways in my business.” He was hungry!

During the course of our conversation we discovered that he did not have a Bible. We promised we would get him one. As a measure of good faith, to test how serious he was and how badly he wanted a Bible, he gave us one of his paintings. We made good on our word and Paul (Conrad’s son) delivered one to him the next day. (see picture below).

Pictured from Left to Right: Seth (my son), Kwesi, Paul, and myself.

Another of these “Divine Appointments” happened on a 2 hour plane ride to Liberia from Ghana. Jemel (pictured below) was a young believer in Christ who is serving in the Ministry Finance Department of Liberia.

We had an incredible discussion about Christ and what a difference He can make in our lives and business/ministry calling. That led into another meeting with a friend of his later in Liberia and some subsequent emails seeking to provide “next step” study and training resources for each of them to better fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives.

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The rest of our few days in Ghana were spent doing a little bit of sight seeing and laying the foundation for future work in Ghana by meeting with various Pastors, Ministry Leaders, and planning with Conrad and some of his team members.

Ministry Musings & Future Ghana Plans

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“The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (~ Matthew 9:37-38)

Here’s the deal. No doubt God is still answering the prayers of countless saints by calling servants of Christ to pull up stakes, leave home and go across the world for the sake of Christ and the gospel.

However, think about this. What if God is sending workers into the harvest whom are already there? People who already know the culture? People who know the tribal languages, idioms and political and economic conditions unique to their communities? People who rub shoulders with hundreds in their workplaces who may never set foot in a church?

There are approximately 30 million people living in Ghana. The probability of all of them being reached by missionaries from the “outside” is miniscule.

But equipping and empowering the people who are already there to leverage their gifts, passions, and positions in their workplaces to serve as ambassadors with a noble calling? Now that makes the reality of reaching entire nations, like Ghana, more plausible and cost effective in my view!

Our Ministry Partners

For those of you who have caught this vision and own it with us through your many prayers and gifts on our behalf: thank you. Words cannot express my gratitude. I am honored to be a channel of the investments God has stirred you to give.

There is still much work to do, however, and there are still great needs. If you have not considered partnering with KWM and embracing our vision to make work and ministry one around the world, would you?

We have multiple ways you can do so and would love to share them with you! You can connect with me here.