Getting Serious About the Business of Joy

Have you ever been around a leader who is the epitome of a wet blanket in the linen closet of life? Demotivating, draining, and even depressing? To explore a surefire…

Is Your Life’s Work “Burn Worthy?”

How much of what you do from 9 to 5 will last? Explore 4 questions to evaluate the lasting value of the life and leadership investments you are making in your work.

3 Ways to Gain Greater Clarity in Complexity

Have you ever been held spellbound as you listened to a public speaker teach from an area of expertise? Such talks are unforgettable aren’t they? I’ll never forget one such message…

The Grace & Perfection Balancing Act

Grace: it’s something we all need to receive; it’s something we all need to give. In the simplest of terms, grace is unmerited favor.  It is something that is received,…

The “One Choice” Leader

Wouldn’t it be great if we could simplify the complexity of the numerous life and leadership decisions we are called to make by reducing them to one over-arching choice? Peter Drucker’s…