Going Through God’s Open Doors to Ghana & Liberia!

What if through your work, you could be a part of impacting thousands (perhaps even millions) of lives in West Africa? Would you be interested? If so, now you can!

Door Left Open at Entrance to Home Foyer. Door wide open. Converted from 14-bit Raw file. sRGB color space.

The purpose of Kingdom Way Ministries is to spread the fame of God through His gospel of redemption and restoration by changing lives, work cultures, and communities around the world.

God has recently opened some incredible doors for KWM to fulfill this purpose in Ghana, Africa. BUT these open doors are not just opportunities for us, they are also potentially amazing open doors for you as well. So would you pause for a moment to pray, be open to what God may lead, and read on? 

Helping Christian Business Leaders in Ghana

Toward the end of last year I met a very humble Christian Businessman with a huge heart and vision, named Conrad Swartzentrueber. Conrad owns and operates a shipping business in Ghana, West Africa. (see picture below)

Five years ago God called Conrad and his family to leave all the comforts, familiarity and security of his home in Pennsylvania to run this business. However, his desire wasn’t just to build a successful business to provide for his family. His motivation ran much deeper.

Ghana Team Picsized
Pictured from Left to Right: Conrad – Managing Director, Victor Darko – KWM Program Director, Araba – Administrative Assistant, Rene Essuman – KLC Trainer/Marketing Director, Evelyn Anyan – Accounts Officer / KWM Adm. Assistant, Leonard Dadzie – KLC Trainer, Irene Sappor – Accountant, Ronnie Phillips – Advisor and Evantel & Emaaus Road Bible Study Representative.

God gave Conrad a burden to help Ghanian business leaders to find Jesus, disciple them in the ways of Christ, and to help them start and establish thriving businesses that would not only provide for their families (and others in their communities) but that would also be a viable ministry to the countless people still without Christ in Ghana. Part of this includes helping these business leaders fund their business costs through micro-financing and savings options.
After hearing about our KLC (Kingdom Leadership Council) Groups and curriculum focused on spiritual, personal and leadership development, Conrad was blown away and said, “We’ve got to have these groups in Ghana!”, and immediately worked on a plan with his team to make it happen.

He now has several leaders in place and has asked me to come at the end of June to:

  • Train the first round of KLC group facilitators he has recruited.
  • Conduct several ministry/training workshops while there – including on the university campus in Accra, Ghana’s capital city. 
  • Share the gospel of Christ and seek to make Him famous all along the way. 

Needless to say, I was more than pumped to accept his invitation and will be departing, Lord willing, on June 23, 2016.

Helping Thousands+ in Liberia

A few years ago I was invited to be a part of a 3 member speaking team that conducted a Bible Training Conference for 2500 Pastors in Liberia (see picture here). It was truly a remarkable experience to say the least! (Click Here to see and read more).

Through connections made during that trip, God opened an incredible opportunity for Kingdom Way Ministries to produce a weekly radio broadcast that reaches thousands in Liberia, parts of Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, and is projected to reach 16 West African countries in the near future.

Moses Paye (see picture below); a Pastor, good friend and President of the ECOL (Evangelical Churches of Liberia comprised of over 100 churches and counting) serves as the host for the KWM program.

In addition to challenging thousands of listeners, Pastor Moses leverages the broadcasts to train and equip church and other leaders who use the messages to teach in their churches, places of business, and community studies. His ministry also includes planting new churches and reaching out to bring help and healing to families, orphans, and thousands of others who have been traumatized by the recent Ebola epidemic. (Read more about Pastor Moses and his family here)

Moses Broadcast   Doctrinal Training Pic

What does all of this have to do with equipping believers to make their work and ministry one? Everything. A huge part of our ministry strategy is to come alongside Pastors, church and community leaders to encourage and equip them in their work, and to provide them with strategies and resources to help them better equip those in their congregations and communities to live out a missional lifestyle in their workplaces. This is as big, or a bigger of need, in places like Liberia, as it is in the U.S.

Therefore, my trip to Ghana in June will also include (since Liberia is fairly close) spending a few days in Liberia to:

  • Encourage Pastor Moses/His family in his ministry and help with additional resources.
  • See first hand how KWM’s and Moses’ ministry is going and how we can do better with what God has called us to currently steward. 
  • Discuss and plan future ministry endeavors. (Such as a Pastor’s conference in November, future radio broadcasts, the role of CenterPointe–a training center for Pastors and Business leaders that is being developed, etc.)

How You Can Impact Thousands in Africa 

So you might be thinking, “How could this be an open door for me or my work?” I’m glad you asked! You can make an eternal difference in countless lives in Africa through your “work” of…

As you can imagine, the costs for the above mentioned are fairly significant and can only be stewarded with the faithfulness of the generosity of many like you. The uncovered costs for the upcoming trip to Ghana and Liberia, for example, are approximately $3000.

Will you prayerfully consider giving  a generous one-time gift to help cover the costs for this trip and some additional ministry outreaches God is directing KWM to conduct in the next 4-6 months in the states? You can Give Here via:

  • Debit / Credit
  • ACH – directly from your bank account
  • Mail a check to KWM:  3694 Fletcher St. Loveland, CO 80538

If you are a business owner, church leader, or an individual looking for a ministry to support, would you or your organization consider partnering with KWM with a regular monthly gift? Recurring gifts can be set up here with access to your own account, reports etc. We also have other creative giving options such as donating:

As a 501c3, all your gifts are tax deductible. And of course, feel free to contact me with any ways I can help.

Thank you for prayerfully weighing this before the Lord.


If you are a business or church leader and are interested in surveying some incredible opportunities to use your gifts in ministering to other business leaders, coordinating groups from your place of business or your church for starting churches, helping with work projects, etc., or would just like to see what God is doing in Ghana and Liberia for future considerations, there are multiple opportunities and I would love to invite you as my guest on this trip. Contact me here if interested in this or future trips.


I fully realize that some of you reading this may not be in a position to help either by going or giving. If that is you, would you just pause for a moment to pray? If so, I would love to hear from you if you did. And if you are not already on KWM’s e-mail distribution list to receive prayer/praise updates, contact me here and I would be glad to add you to it.

Thank you so much for the time you’ve taken to read this atypical “Tipping Point” and to consider how God might be leading you to respond. I look forward to staying connected with you and serving you with future, “more normal” “Tipping Points” in the future.

For those of you who have never placed a face with a name or don’t know much much about my background, you can check out my mug shot and life’s summary here. Just promise not to laugh!

With Indebted Gratefulness,

Dan Anderson
President/CEO of KWM