NEW KLC Groups Launching in January 2014!

The foundation of Kingdom Way has been to further God’s Kingdom by equipping marketplace leaders to incorporate Biblical principles and sound business practices into their companies. This has been accomplished through seminars, one-on-one mentoring/consulting and small groups of business leaders who have met monthly for more in-depth training and tools to aid in the implementation of the principles that have been taught.

By far, the small group training venue—called Kingdom Leadership Councils—has been the most effective forum to propel members closer towards achieving the calling that God has placed on their lives. It also is one of the primary environments that enable us to fulfill our ministry vision of bringing widespread impact to the world through those who have been transformed by a KLC group. Consequently, Kingdom Way Ministries (KWM) is re-launching several groups in January 2014 in Fort Collins, Denver, and Colorado Springs, Colorado with some new and improved dimensions.

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The Kingdom Leadership Council Groups will still be targeting leaders who have the capacity to change the culture of their organizations, but one of the twists is that these groups will also be seeking to invite and include pastors and other leaders in churches, as well as in companies. The intent is to help bridge the gap that sometimes can exist between leaders in these two crucial spheres so that both become more effective followers and leaders for Christ the callings He has placed on their lives. In addition, as participants from both these arenas are open to the Lord’s leading, we anticipate that KLC’s will be a catalyst that will help these influential leaders to discover ways in which they can better encourage each other and serve with each other, to impact their communities, together, in more broad and transformational ways in the future.

In addition to the uniqueness of KLC’s having leaders from both the church and corporate world in these coaching / equipping groups, KLC’s provide a novel 3-fold focus that is essential for those who wish to experience personal transformation and who wish to be a vessel of transformation for God’s glory:

  • Spiritual Development
  • Personal Development
  • Business/Leadership Best Practices and Skill Development

Following is a format example for how these will be engrained into each monthly meeting:

  • Members of groups from 6-10 will meet once-a-month for a 3-5 hour time-block, depending on the group. Specific dates and meeting times are determined by each group and facilitator.
  • Time is scheduled at the beginning of each meeting for group members to report on progress of goals, follow up action points from previous meetings, and to grow spiritually through prayer and discussion of scriptural and Biblical character studies.
  • The remainder of the meeting is dedicated toward personal and leadership development in specific areas that are applicable for both Company and Church leaders and providing council and skill experiences with others in the group.

See the invite to the next KLC Overview meeting to determine if this is something God might want you to be involved in a KLC group. If you missed one of the KLC Overview meetings, please feel free to contact us for more information. Currently live out of the Colorado, Front Range area and are interested in participating in and/or leading a KLC group in your area of the country? Contact us for future reference as once these groups are operational along the Front Range, we desire to multiply them in other places of the country as God leads.