TIPPING POINTS for Transformation in Trinidad & Tobago: March 2014

What in the World is a Tipping Point?

In a recent gathering of over 60 leaders in Trinidad and Tobago, I defined a Tipping Point as a measurable shift in culture or a product because of some force that causes change to take place. In the context of the presentations we gave that morning we challenged the leaders present to offer themselves to God to be that measurable and undeniable shift that pulls others (and even the number of Hindus and Muslims in Trinidad and Tobago) to transfer their allegiance to following Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul, and mind.

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Is That Even Possible?

Even as I type the above words, I ask myself, “Dan, come on!—do you really believe that is possible?”  Admit it! You were wondering too, weren’t you? There are times that I doubt it is possible when the current of culture seems to be so strongly forcing people in a different direction. There are times that I doubt when the enormity of the calling I feel God has placed on my life weighs down on me with a 4-G kind of force. I’m told that a person exposed to 4Gs starts to lose color and vision. That’s such an apt description of how I feel in such times: vision begins to wane and life becomes blandly colorless.


Faith Replaces Doubt

But when I think of the cross—and my Savior hanging on it to bear the weight of my (and the world’s) sin and shame… and when I think of why He did it: to redeem me (and the world) and restore what was lost through the consequences of sin instituted after the fall of Adam and Eve, my doubt begins to ebb away, leaving the belief that such transformation IS possible.  Further, when God begins to move, like I believe He was that morning in Trinidad, in the hearts of Pastors, government officials, business owners, and several non-profit and para-church ministry leaders to believe that it is possible tip culture back to follow God fully, my vision is restored and strengthened. This breakfast meeting alone was well worth the trip for me.

Other Objectives Accomplished to Further a Tipping Weight in Trinidad, Tobago and Beyond

  • We were very privileged to spend several hours in multiple meetings to help Pastor Ramdath Rampaul and his leadership team, at City of God ministries, to establish a 2 year ministry plan for their church and community outreaches.  It was encouraging to see how God graciously gave clear direction and unity. It was also a thrill to see how their school had grown from just a teacher or two, and a handful of students, to around 120 students and 7 teachers!  Hindu and Muslim kids (and their families) are being one to Christ by providing a quality education and safe environment for them to study in.  Such ministry investments in a local church and in the future generations of Christ-followers are never wasted and key to tipping transformation.
Kingdom Kids Private School at City of God Church
  • Another objective was to serve the leaders of a new ministry called Mettamorphosis in Trinidad and Tobago.  Metamorphosis, meaning “transformation”, but spelled with two “ts”. The spelling is purposeful, symbolizing “bringing transformation to Trinidad AND Tobago.  These men, pictured below, have been seized by God with a like-minded mission/vision of KWM.  When God is stirring to do a great work, it seems that He often lays the same burden on multiple hearts. This is the team that planned the leader’s gathering mentioned above and invited us to speak in a couple other venues encompassing Bible College students and various community leaders. We also held a series of meetings to discuss possible plans on how KWM might be able to assist them in the future through seminars, discipleship/equipping groups, etc. to accomplish the call that God has placed on their hearts.  I can’t say enough of how I respect these men and how much they need your prayers for wisdom, strength, and a spirit of discipline to follow through on God’s predetermined mission for them.
From Left to Right: Pastor Rampaul (City of God Ministries), Bickram Singh (Pastor and Businessman, Heera Rampaul (IT Director for Gov’t Health), Jim Dismore (Founder/Chairman of KWM), Russell Aching (Businessman and President of the Christian Intl. Chamber of Commerce), Farouk Mohammed (Pastor and President of a Bible College), and myself.
  • I also was privileged to speak at three different churches on the Sunday I was there. I spoke in each one on the topic of Viewing our Work as a Prime Way to Worship and Witness from Ephesians 6:5-9.  Not only did I thoroughly enjoy sharing the Word, but I was also humbled and thankful for the relationships established with the Pastors, and people of these churches, for future equipping ministry opportunities we believe God may stirring with them in the future.

God of the Unexpected:

It is just like God to provide opportunities above and beyond!  I will mention two.

  1. First, we had at least 2-3 government leaders ask us if we would come back and do a seminar in the chamber of their national government. If      this would be of God, please pray that He will open wide those doors for us to minister!
  2. Second, at a break in one of the last meetings we had at City of God Ministries, a young teenage girl spoke with Jim.  She said something like, “I just wanted you to know that because you obeyed God to come here that I’ve decided to follow Christ as my Savior.”

Only God!  Because our ministry with this church was primarily focused on discipleship and equipping—and not necessarily evangelism—I have no clue how this young women came to the conclusion that she needed Christ in her life!  I so praise Him that He is the God of the unexpected!

If you would like to help…

  • Bring the gospel to Muslim and Hindu children and families and help expand the above described school…
  • Bring the gospel and much needed leadership training into businesses, churches, and government agencies…
  • Be a part of what God is stirring to transform an entire nation…
  • Your generous contributions are greatly needed and appreciated!
  • Could God be laying it on your heart to help? (If so, please click here)