What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

Uncertainty, doubt, and clouds of confusion increase when left in the shadows. Such toxic emotions…

Can a Business Leader Pastor His Employees?

Can a Business Leader Pastor His Employees?

I saw that question in a recent Linked-In network post.  I typically do not respond to…

How to Shrug Off Your Stress

How to Shrug Off Your Stress

“Vacations are over-rated!” They aren’t of course.  What I was referring to, as I jokingly expressed…

Stay or Go?

Stay or Go?

Yes you should!  However you want to say it, the balance of  staying and going, waiting…

A Proven “3N” Approach to Motivating and Maximizing Your Team

A Proven “3N” Approach to Motivating and Maximizing Your Team

If you’ve read much about leadership at all, you have inevitably pondered the question: “Are…

(Part 2) 6 Ways to Inspire the People You Lead to Get Out of Their Ruts

(Part 2) 6 Ways to Inspire the People You Lead to Get Out of Their Ruts

I got miserably stuck in a rut once. It was no fun.  In fact, it was…

6 Ways to Inspire the People You Lead to Get Out of the Rut They Are In – Pt. 1

6 Ways to Inspire the People You Lead to Get Out of the Rut They Are In – Pt. 1

A few years ago I heard a quote from a fellow lead-follower of Christ who said,…

Courageous-Crying Warrior

Courageous-Crying Warrior

In a landmark decision the Supreme Court ruled early last week that requiring family owned corporations…

TIPPING POINTS for Transformation in Trinidad & Tobago:  March 2014

TIPPING POINTS for Transformation in Trinidad & Tobago: March 2014

What in the World is a Tipping Point? In a recent gathering of over 60…

A God Wake Up Call

A God Wake Up Call

God is so awesome!  Just this morning I had the incredible privilege of leading a…

A Year-End Disciple-Making Vision Worth Contributing To

A Year-End Disciple-Making Vision Worth Contributing To

I recently purchased a special edition magazine describing the incredible impact the Reverend Billy Graham…

NEW KLC Groups Launching in January 2014!

NEW KLC Groups Launching in January 2014!

The foundation of Kingdom Way has been to further God’s Kingdom by equipping marketplace leaders…

Liberating Liberia With The Word of Truth!

Liberating Liberia With The Word of Truth!

I was privileged to be invited by Pastor Jeff Anderson (from Colorado Springs, CO) to…